
GrowCrew is a student group within the BRAE department that if focused on sustainable agriculture practices, such as hydroponics, aquaponics, and aeroponics, and bioresource-related projects.

  • We are housed within the Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering (BRAE) department and have a large lab space dedicated to our club in Lab 4 of the Ag Engineering Shop on campus (Building 8A).
  • In the past, we have worked with the company OnePointOne to test how different irrigation schedules affect the growth of arugula in aeroponic systems.
  • We have partnered with Garden Club and the Real Food Collaborative to showcase how important it is to have sustainably and locally grown food.

Current Project: BRAE Berry project

For the Spring 2021 Quarter GrowCrew is assisting with the construction of a shipping container controller environment that will be used to conduct studies on drip irrigated strawberries and their associated pests. 

As a Cal Poly student you may join our canvas page by clicking on the following link

Instagram: cp.growcrew

Contact Person:  Emma Schmitt - <>

Faculty Advisors:


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